Friday, 29 October 2021 21:30

Collettivo MINE

Friday, 29 October 2021 21:30
Nova Gorica, SNG Slovene National Theatre

Collettivo MINE


by Collettivo M.I.N.E.
with Francesco Saverio Cavaliere, Fabio Novembrini, Siro Guglielmi, Roberta Racis, and Silvia Sisto
Music by: Samuele Cestola
Production: Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee
Project selected for ARTEFICI 2019 Residenze Creative FVG/Artisti Associati Gorizia; winning project of DNAppunti Coreografici 2019 supported by Centro Nazionale di Produzione Firenze - Compagnia Virgilio Sieni, Operaestate Festival/CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea of Bassano del Grappa, L’arboreto - Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale Centro di Residenza Emilia Romagna, Fondazione Romaeuropa, Bologna Gender Bender Festival e Triennale Milano Teatro; A project selected by NID platform 2021
Made with the support of: Teatro India- Teatri di Roma, Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Spazio13Bari.

The stage debut of Collettivo MINE, Esercizi per un manifesto poetico coincides with the foundational act of the company. This co-authorial manifesto finds its dance formula in a choreographic practice written by ten hands, where individual and unison breaths interpenetrate, and where the choral and synchronic weaving of space and body becomes the inspiration of a collective language, as well as of an evocative poetics.
Repetition; stubborn determination; a single, powerful and structured stage action, as an instrument of shared writing, generating interactions and igniting correspondences, giving life to a single body that meditates on the shared ability to tackle changes and the passing of time.

MINE is the result of the artistic encounter between Francesco Saverio Cavaliere, Siro Guglielmi, Fabio Novembrini, Roberta Racis, and Silvia Sisto. It is a collective experiment, a horizontal creation and a choreographic writing by ten hands. MINE signed the choreographic project Corpi Elettrici (Electric Bodies) in 2020 and has collaborated in Swans never die (Danzare la memoria 2020-2022) in 2021.


Have you been to Gorizia before?
Yes, this will be our fourth time in Gorizia.

What do you look forward to doing again?
To admire Gorizia’s Collio and Gianni’s supersize cutlets and lubianskas.

What awaits you after Visavì?
Our paths will part, but not for long. We’ll meet again in Rome, where we’ll dance the same show at RomaEuropa Festival.

You have the power to do one thing to change the world of dance: what is it?
Reducing the gap between “A-rank” and “B-rank” dance, and scarce funding for new dance lan-guages, research and creation in particular.

If you could give one piece of advice to yourself as a child, what would it be?
We would tell them to learn from others without losing their individuality in an attempt to fulfil the models that are transmitted to us; that being creative is a great virtue; that even fantasy implies an act of revolution.

And to a new dance company moving its first steps?
Same advice.

Three words to describe what dance is to you.
Memory, body, desire.

Tell me briefly what your show is about. Now convince me to come and see it :)
The performance is an act of resistance, a mutual choice, a scenic action capable of giving life to a single body. The show is worth seeing because it can be enjoyed in its energy and physicality, as well as in its evanescence and delicacy. Each person in the audience is captured by different nuanc-es and intimately gathers what is offered on stage.

A project by:

In partnership with:
SNG Teatro Nazionale Sloveno di Nova Gorica

With the support of:
Ministero della Cultura / Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia / Io sono FVG
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia

In collaboration with:
Comune di Gorizia / Comune di Cormons / Comune di Gradisca d’Isonzo / ERPAC / APT / Ente Regionale Teatrale del FVG / Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg onlus Goriški Muzej / Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia Gorizia Kulturni Dom Gorica / Kulturni Center Lojze Bratuž Palazzo del Cinema-Hiša Filma di Gorizia / PAN ADRIA network / TIARE Shopping

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